Your Guide to Sourcing Animal Products


Animal products + seafood are some of the most nutritious foods on the planet, but due to toxins in our environment and the way in which they are raised/grown, we have to now be careful about the types we are buying to ensure we aren’t adding to our toxic burden.

On one hand, something like wild salmon and grass-fed beef are known to be full of “good healthy Omega 3 fats” and high in protein, but on the other hand based on its sourcing + upbringing,  you could also be getting a hefty dose of pesticides, antibiotics, chemicals like PCBs + dioxins and heavy metals like mercury.

Knowing how to find the right kinds of animal products will help you to reap the health benefits while at the same time avoid the toxins that can hurt your health.



Animal products + seafood are some of the most nutritious foods on the planet, but due to toxins in our environment and the way in which they are raised/grown, we have to now be careful about the types we are buying to ensure we aren’t adding to our toxic burden.

On one hand, something like wild salmon and grass-fed beef are known to be full of “good healthy Omega 3 fats” and high in protein, but on the other hand based on its sourcing + upbringing,  you could also be getting a hefty dose of pesticides, antibiotics, chemicals like PCBs + dioxins and heavy metals like mercury.

Knowing how to find the right kinds of animal products will help you to reap the health benefits while at the same time avoid the toxins that can hurt your health.